- 01.26.22

Sometimes shoppers express concerns about electric heated blankets but it’s important to be informed about the facts. Here are a few of the concerns that customers voice about heated blankets:
- Electrical fire
- Overheating
- Burns
If an electric heated blanket is on the market today, no matter what the brand, there’s a very good chance that it’s entirely safe. Technology has advanced a lot in the past decade and electric heated blankets have made a lot of strides to become safer.
But if you still have doubts, let’s dive into the facts and misconceptions around heated blankets.
Will My Electric Blanket Catch Fire?
In the past, some customers have expressed concern about home heating products causing a fire.
This is a legitimate concern because, like all electric appliances, these blankets rely on home electricity sources for power. But this concern is slightly misguided when we consider modern heated blanket technology. Columbia University conducted a study a few years ago that showed that 99% of all fire accidents with electric heated blankets occurred with blankets that were 10 years old or more.
If you have an older blanket, you should replace it immediately. These older blankets are made with larger wires that can crimp and overheat. All newer electric blankets (made in the last 10 years) are perfectly safe. This is due in no small part to advances in heating technology. Warmee blankets are made with super small Invisiwire technology so there is no risk of crimping or overheating.
Are Electric Blankets Safe?
Why are electric blankets safe? The reason for this is that the technology used to make electric blankets has changed. New electric blankets have safety features like internal temperature controls and heat timers. Older blankets also usually lack internal temperature controls that turn them off when the temperature gets too high.
At Warmee, we’ve taken those precautions seriously and all our home heated blankets are outfitted with the latest safety technology. You can set your blanket’s temperature level and relax with the confidence that your blanket will maintain this temperature throughout your nap.
Is It Good to Sleep with an Electric Blanket On?
You should always consult your medical provider if you have questions about your specific health situation.
Napping with an electric blanket is completely fine (and encouraged). But in general doctors don’t recommend sleeping with electric blankets on for an extended period of time. The reason for this is a concern about overheating. If you are sleeping with an old electric blanket (over 10 years old) these may also cause burns if the heating time is too long.
Luckily, with Warmee electric blankets, heating times are never an issue. Our electric blankets have a built-in heat timing setting. Use your app to decide how long you want the blanket’s heating function to be engaged, from 30 minutes to 10 hours. Then sit back and relax.
Who Should Not Use an Electric Blanket?
Everyone’s health situation is different so it can’t hurt to consult your doctor if you have specific questions. But electric heated blankets should only be used for people over 5 and should never be used on pets.
According to medical professionals, one of the risks of electric heated blankets is overheating. For this reason, anyone who cannot communicate clearly or properly operate the blanket (such as toddlers, some elderly people, and pets) should not use an electric blanket.
Who Should Use an Electric Blanket?
Other than toddlers, the very elderly, and pets, we believe everyone should use electric blankets. A heated blanket is a wonderful way to snuggle up on a cold day and provide quality rest and recuperation for you and your entire family.
Developed by a team of American engineers, Warmee makes super comfortable heated electric blankets with high tech Inviswire technology. Our blankets have heated coils that you can’t even feel. We also sell heated throws and mattress covers. Check out our product page and pick up a Warmee blanket today.
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It’s never too early to start preparing for winter. If you’re looking for a simple, sustainable way to stay warm this winter, a wifi electric blanket is exactly what you need.
Heated blankets have a variety of benefits that can leave you healthier, happier, and even save you some money.
Get the Most Value in a Heated Blanket
Choose a Heated Blanket that Connects to Your Smart Device
Choose a Heated Blanket that Connects to Your Smart Device